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23 Mar 2020

Houston, we have a problem…or not?

History will remember that in 2020, a micro-organism shut down our entire society. The covid-19 pandemic has instantly topped the crises Hall of Shame of our times: terrorist attacks, climate change, social instability (yellow bests movement), etc. The list goes on. Coronavirus, like all these disturbing events, highlights the weaknesses of our system founded on ultra-connection, ultra-mobility and seamless agility. When the machine fails, everybody pays. But it’s also in this obscurity that solidary and consciousness arise. In the face of uncertainty, people are capable of adapting brilliantly; activating new forms of creativity.

Yes, every crisis is an invitation to take a step back, to reinvent, to take responsibility and innovate to fight adversity. Now is not the time to wait for a superhero or some kind of James Bond. 2.0. is knocking at the door and is ready to deliver!

In our everyday life

Look around you. 2.0. ideas emerge daily to curb the impact of the crisis: virtual classrooms, neighbourhood cooperation apps, live streams of concerts, fitness sessions on Youtube, online museums, etc. For all the essential dimensions of society (education, sport, culture, solidarity), a digital alternative is ready to help us keep our daily lives worthy and fight boredom.

In the world of business

Business models have taken an enormous hit. But for many companies, it’s business (nearly) as usual, thanks to excellent digital platforms enabling efficient work-at-home systems. In many cases, these solutions keep businesses afloat: conference calls, social media, collaborative solutions, etc. The global economy is slowing down, but data and information keep on circulating. Good news, it’s vital!

In our event industry

Professional exhibitions are on par: several of them have switched to full dematerialised! Such as Bio Europe Spring, which will take place later this year exclusively online. Meetings will be organised thanks to a secured conference call service. Discussion panels will take place thanks to webinars. An online exhibition hall is also designed to tick all the boxes. The same idea applies forth the Laval Virtual show which will live stream its conferences online.

In the background of these adaptations, there is a valuable lesson. Once self-isolation is lifted, will we go back to “normal”? That would be a shame. In all spheres of life, this severe crisis has put under the spotlight sources of progress for tomorrow: human, environmental and economic. Even though technology proves it can answer the call with excellent alternatives, it cannot completely replace real physical contact. People need people. So beyond technological progress, our victory against coronavirus will be an opportunity to reconsider our experience of reality deeply.

By placing humanity back to where it belongs – at the heart of everything – will become more resilient and prepared for future upsets. Yes, with strong collective and social responsibility, we will be stronger for the next times.

Take care!