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04 Jun 2024
Satisfaction Client

At Live & co – and hopefully elsewhere too! – customer satisfaction is much more than a simple objective; it’s the fundamental pillar of our business and entrepreneurial adventure. Of course, we want visitors and stakeholders to be blown away by our achievements, but our real priority is meeting expectations and satisfying our customers. Satisfaction…

13 Mar 2024

Historically, our trade has been that of talented, creative carpenters: a workshop and anything was possible (well, almost). Then, agencies gradually started integrating communication issues into stand design. More concerned with ROI (Return On Investment), integrated communication, and storytelling, customers complexified their briefs, adding to the challenges of creativity and visibility. It was, therefore, only…

31 Aug 2023
Reinstallation chez Live & co

It’s pretty unbelievable when you think about it. Let’s go back a few years… The rule is quite simple: what doesn’t last is what matters most; a guarantee of excellence, rarity and exception. In our industry too, with its “one shot” stands. A golden era! Things have changed. These are times of climate change, resource…

20 Apr 2023
NEWS-Objectifs 2023

Time flies when work is fun. At Live & co, weeks come and go at a fast pace. That’s why – for this article only – we are happy to press the pause button. Because we want to share with you a snapshot of where we are, and where we want to go. Because 2022…